We've been taking shifts through the night. So far, Sue has been taking the 10pm - 2am shift, my mom has been doing the 2am - 6am shift and then I've been taking the 6am to 9am. Last night, we ended up having two of us with them all night. Annika spit up pretty badly yesterday and turned red, then blue until Chantel and her mom were able to clear out her stomach and airway. Fortunately, they took the CPR class at the hospital the night the babies came home. Mom and I are doing it this week.
Here are some pictures of them in our house. They typically spend the night up in the nursery and then the day in the dining room. They had their first baths today. Camille liked hers, Henrik didn't mind his too much and Annika screamed and turned a shade of red that was darker than her color in the delivery room.

Camille after a bath

Annika in her first bath

Camille in her first bath

Henrik in his first bath

Henrik and Camille



Henrik, Camille, Annika
What were their weights when they came home? When's their next appt? Mariah, by the way, knows all of them. She counts them on her fingers, "Henrik, Annika, you say the other one name." IT'S SO FREAKIN CUTE!!! I think we've told her enough that she remembers Camille now.
Sounds like you guys have got the hang of it! It's amazing how many diapers they go through! Henrik is so cute...he looks like a little old man(just like Max)! And Annika looks how Max did during the first 3 months of baths! Good luck with that...I'm praying for you guys! Bye, Emily Roberts
those kids are so cute! It's crazy that they can be so young and tiny but still look so much like you guys. The miracle of children and childbirth... it's amazing.
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