Saturday, July 25, 2009

Morning at Holmby Park

The kids enjoyed spending at morning at the park. They like the swings and have figured out how to climb up to the slide, which is their new favorite activity!


Camille and Henrik

Annika, Camille and Henrik


Annika and Henrik

Annika, Henrik and Camille

Annika, Camille and Henrik

Henrik, Camille and Annika

Henrik, Annika and Camille




Kathleen Voight said...

What fun! You have much better weather than we do. We have had a terrible summer, windy, rainy, but not much water, as we need it so bad. Looks like the kiddos have a ball at Holmby Park. Thanks for sharing. Love you all, Aunt Kathy

Emily said...

I love the "juice" shot..nothing silences three kids like some juice! I still can't get over how much Camille looks like Chantel! Beautiful kiddos! Emily R. P.S. Did you hear that Lisa H. had the baby? Paul Roxton was born on the 28th!