The triplets finally got to meet their new little sister. They were a bit confused at first, but seem like they are starting to figure everything out. The girls took to her right away and enjoyed being able to touch her toes. Henrik was most interested in using her car seat as a drum.

Annika proud of her new little sister

Annika and Ilsa

Henrik looking on from a distance

Ilsa's seemingly proud brother

Annika, Henrik and Ilsa

Annika pinching Ilsa's toes

Annika and Ilsa

All the girls

Annika and Camille pinching Ilsa's toes

Ilsa's toes

The whole clan
Discovering their little sister
No word on why Annika keeps saying, "Ding, Dong."

Baby Ilsa


Grant, Chantel and Ilsa

Ilsa and Grammy