Thursday, August 16, 2007

Getting Bigger

We started a new trick earlier this week to feed more than one of them at a time. So far, it has been working out pretty well. We have also stretched their feedings to 4 hour intervals. They seem to be doing well on fewer, larger feedings. They do, however, scream and cry quite a bit more than they did before. Hopefully, that won't last too much longer....

Camille has another appointment next week with a pediatric opthamologist. She's still taking steriods to reduce the inflamation.



Henrik and Annika


Annika with her Auntie Nana


1 comment:

Sonja Jensen said...

Isn't it amazing how you just figure out all ways to "cheat!" Whatever makes it easier! Until they start wiggling, you can definitely prop blankets to hold bottles, especially if they're in a carseat, bouncer, or swing.

Poor Camille. I'm sure it doesn't bother her as much as us, but it looks extremely bothersome. She's still beautiful though. Love that hair!