- Camille: 8 lbs 3 oz (3 lbs 15 oz)
- Annika: 8 lbs 3 oz (3 lbs 10 oz)
- Henrik: 9 lbs 6 oz (4 lbs 3 oz)
We found out that the babies really settle down when we put them together. The girls didn't do great together, but Henrik does a good job of calming the girls down when they are relaxing in the same bed.
Chantel and I took them on their first trip around the block. We could tell that the enjoyed the change of scenery since they were looking around and listening to the insects.
Camille has another appointment with her pediatric ophthalmologist to assess the capillary hemangioma on her eye. Her doctor is keeping her on steroids and is having us put a patch on her good eye for an hour a day. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to bother her at all.


Annika, Camille and Henrik before going to the doctor

Camille and Henrik