Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day Five

It is day 5 and everyone is still doing well. Chantel got discharged from the hospital today, so she'll probably pick up the blogging from here. They are all up to 17 mL feedings every three hours. Camille got her IV taken out today, so hopefully the others will lose theirs tonight. Annika is still in her own bed, but it shouldn't be too long before they all will be together.

Mom with Camille and Grant with Henrik

Chantel with Annika

Grant with Henrik and Annika

1 comment:

Robin said...

Chantel and Grant,

How awesome to see you both with such joy! What a blessing!
Glad to hear they are progressing well! I'll continue to pray for their progress and the ability to sleep together. Hey, they were used to that for so long!!

Lots of love from WI!